Units (Subjects)

See below for the individual units (subjects) currently available. Please go to Courses for information on our undergraduate and postgraduate courses. We encourage you to contact our registrars to start a conversation about what units might best suit your needs.

Units are available in the following modes:

  • On-Campus: units in this mode are delivered face-to-face in the classroom only.
  • Off-Campus: units in this mode are delivered live online only.
  • Hybrid: units in this mode are delivered both on-campus and off-campus concurrently.

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ACT Coursework Course Policy

Daytime Units

New Testament Greek B

Australian College of Theology Unit AQF: 6/8, on-campus

Monday + Thursday Daytime Unit


In this unit we continue our introduction and experience in reading the language in which the New Testament was written. This prepares you to read straightforward parts of the Greek New Testament for yourself, be equipped for consulting New Testament commentaries based on the Greek text and reading books which discuss or refer to Greek words and expressions. New Testament Greek is a prerequisite for the study of degree New Testament units with Greek exegesis in the Bachelor of Theology and Master of Divinity...

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Introduction to Preaching Old Testament

SMBC Internal Unit SMBC Certificate, on-campus

Monday Daytime Unit


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Interpreting Samuel for Today (English + Hebrew)

Australian College of Theology Unit AQF: 7/8/9, hybrid

Monday Daytime Unit

​OT042-712/812/912 + OT046-712/812/912

1 & 2 Samuel are often seen as the most literarily sophisticated books of the Bible. Gripping stories of Samuel, Saul and David combine to describe the dawn of Israel's monarchy. The central character, however, is God himself. And the obvious focus on history is actually made subordinate to communicating life-changing theology. Ultimately, God's choice of David forms an essential backdrop for understanding Jesus as messiah and king...

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Early New Testament Church

Australian College of Theology Unit AQF: 5/6/8, on-campus

Monday Daytime Unit


The church is far from perfect, whether we have in mind the early church or the church today. How did the church get started? What issues did those first Christians struggle with? How did God use his people to spread the light of the gospel from its beginnings in Judea and Jerusalem to the very heart of the Roman Empire?..

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Other Writings (English + Greek)

Australian College of Theology Unit AQF: 6/7/8/9, hybrid

Tuesday Daytime Unit

NT024-612/712/812 (English) + NT025-612/712/812 (Greek) + NT205-912 (Capstone) + NT206-912 (Specialised Studies) + NT207-912 (Original Language Specialised Studies)

Want to explore in more depth the thorny issues raised in Paul's letter to the Corinthians and the theological depth of Hebrews? How did the values in 1st century Corinth impact the Corinthian church and their view of the Christian life and spiritual gifts? Why did the writer to the Hebrews warn them about falling away?..

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Church Planting

Australian College of Theology Unit AQF: 6/7/8/9, on-campus

Tuesday Daytime Unit

EM026-612/712/812 + EM205-912 (Capstone) + EM206-912 (Specialised Studies)

As we read Paul's missionary journeys in the book of Acts, we see that his ministry trips to cities resulted not just in people coming to faith, but in local churches being established.  Much of the New Testament consists of Paul writing to these churches. This dynamic has led many to agree with Tom Hale, a medical missionary to Nepal, who wrote, "The essential core ministry in missions is the winning of people to Christ and forming them into congregations—that is, evangelism and church planting"...

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Christianity in History from 1550

Australian College of Theology Unit AQF: 5/6/8, hybrid

Tuesday Daytime Unit


We can only properly make sense of our present if we understand our past. Our numerous Protestant denominations only make sense if we understand the Reformation of the 16th Century. Whether we identify ourselves as modern or post-modern, we are indebted to the Enlightenment of the 18th Century. Our ability to understand the American Presidential race depends in part on how well we have grasped the rise of fundamentalism in the 19th Century...

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The Doctrine of God and the Work of Christ

Australian College of Theology Unit AQF: 6/7/8/9, hybrid

Wednesday Daytime Unit

TH002-612/712/812 + TH206-912 (Specialised Studies)

Theology affects all of life. It is intensely practical. It answers the meaning of life questions such as, 'Who am I? What is my purpose? How can I live well?' – by stepping back to see the centrality of God himself to our lives and the universe. As Augustine said, 'You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.'

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Early New Testament Church

Australian College of Theology Unit AQF: 5/6/8, hybrid

Wednesday Daytime Unit


The church is far from perfect, whether we have in mind the early church or the church today. How did the church get started? What issues did those first Christians struggle with? How did God use his people to spread the light of the gospel from its beginnings in Judea and Jerusalem to the very heart of the Roman Empire?..

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Teaching in Intercultural Settings

Australian College of Theology Unit AQF: 6/7/8/9, on-campus

Wednesday Daytime Unit

EM014-612/712/812 + EM205-912 (Capstone) + EM206-912 (Specialised Studies)

Are you teaching, training, or discipling anyone from a different cultural background than your own? Or do you think you might be in the next few years? If so, this unit is designed to equip you to do this well...

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Mission Perspectives

SMBC Internal Unit SMBC Certificate, on-campus

Thursday Daytime Unit


God has a global mission! And that means that we, as God’s people, also have a mission. But to know how we fit in, we need to understand what God has done, is doing and will do...

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God’s Mission and the Local Church

Australian College of Theology Unit AQF: 6/7/8/9 hybrid

Thursday Daytime Unit
EM060-612/712/812 + EM205-912 (Capstone) + EM206-912 (Specialised Studies)

Our God is a God of mission. The gospel is for people of every nation, tribe and tongue, in Australia and to the ends of the earth. We all affirm it but how should it impact our lives and our churches here? Should we just focus on our own neighbourhood and let others work out the rest? What does it look like to faithfully serve God’s global mission at home? What is our role locally and further afield?...

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Living Faiths

Australian College of Theology Unit AQF: 6/7/8/9, on-campus

Thursday Daytime Unit

EM021-612/712/812 + EM205-912 (Capstone) + EM206-912 (Specialised Studies)

Over 4 billion people in the world follow traditional religions, Hinduism, Buddhism, or Islam. Perhaps God has given you an interest in helping people in these religions find Jesus? This unit will help you do that. In it, we explore the basic beliefs, practices, and some deeply held assumptions of Animists, Hindus, Buddhists, and Muslims...

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Biblical Hebrew B

Australian College of Theology Unit AQF: 6/8, on-campus

Friday Daytime Unit


This unit continues building a solid framework for engaging with Biblical Hebrew texts in their original language. By completing both Biblical Hebrew A (Semester 1) and B, students will be in a position to work directly with the Hebrew scriptures, and to continue translation and exegesis of Old Testament texts. After these units, students will be able to take Old Testament exegesis units in the Hebrew stream...

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The Doctrines of Grace and Eschatology

Australian College of Theology Unit AQF: 6/7/8/9, hybrid

Friday Daytime Unit

TH103-612/712/812 + TH205-912 (Capstone) + TH206-912 (Specialised Studies)

There is no more important question in life than, “What must I do to be saved?” The doctrines of grace are concerned with God’s plan of salvation from election through to glorification, through which he brings about his eternal purposes for his creation, and in particular, for those he has chosen by grace to be his people. They also describe how the finished work of Jesus Christ is applied by the regenerating and sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit to the believer, who by virtue of their union with Christ, is justified, adopted and perfected to share in his glory...

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SMBC, PO Box 83
43 Badminton Road, Croydon NSW 2132
T +61 2 9747 4780
E admin@smbc.edu.au
Sydney Missionary and Bible College (SMBC) is an Affiliated College of the Australian College of Theology, CRICOS: 02650E
ABN: 11 000 047 950